Saturday, 26 October 2013

Why isn't he here yet?!!

Still not a grandparent . . .

Really pleased with sculpture classes.  After standing and looking deep in thought at my initial ideas, it all started to come together.  Shape cut out of plywood, plastic mold made of plaster face, everything else ready to go for next week, hopefully.

Drawing is a bit hit and miss, don't think it is something I will specialise in, but I do realise the importance of practicing for use in art in general.  Also, makes a difference if I'm working with others, some people feel the need to talk a lot, which drives me round the bend, less is more!

I haven't done much painting, but Robin suggested painting on a different texture . .  I have ideas.  Having ideas isn't a problem, sometimes executing  them is.

Historical Precedent is really interesting, learning about the history side and how to read paintings.  The only problem is when we have to read text written by people who are obviously very full of themselves and write 1,000 words when 100 would have been sufficient.

Had an email to say I have been assigned the role of Assistant Curator for the Spring 2014 Pretty's Exhibition Team, with a view to then being Curator for Autumn 2014, yay exciting

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