Monday 12 May 2014

Territories and Home Exhibition, Gallery 3 - Week 12

Today was setting up at Gallery 3, Ipswich Town Hall, Recreate. Typically it rained hard, perfect for us taking all artwork over on foot, especially when I realised I'd forgotten something in the car!  

Setup was fine, chose spot by the window for the sunlight to go through my carbon prints.

Popped back Friday morning to add in my notebook, to find all the work we'd put up outside on the stairwell and up steps had been taken down and laid in Gallery 3.  Not a great start, but carry on.

My work reflects the Silence of the Town Hall, the unseen and unheard, cracks in surfaces; walls, paintings or the floor.

How many seats graced this seat?

Thousands of visitors have traversed the steps since the 1868 opening, but how many of them looked down and noticed their effect on the surfaces? I have explored in print and projection and transposed the oil painting cracks into and onto plaster.

Do you see the shadows and light?
What happens to the shadows when the sun is gone?
Does they just fade away?

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